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Screw and Nut Drivers - Sets

Image Part Number Manufacturers Description Lead Free RoHS View
79491 Wiha BIT SET ASSORTED W/CASE 17PC Contains Lead non-compliant
46991 Wiha SCREWDRIVER SET PHIL/SLOT 6PC Contains Lead non-compliant
46099 Wiha SCREWDRIVER SET ASST W/BOX 40PC Contains Lead non-compliant
147TBN Apex Tool Group NUT DRIVER SET W/TRAY 7PC Contains Lead non-compliant
28589 Wiha TORQUE CONTROL 59PC SET Contains Lead non-compliant
26090 Wiha SCREWDRIVER SET SLOTTED 6PC Contains Lead non-compliant
28188 Wiha BLADE SET ASSORTED W/CASE 32PC Contains Lead non-compliant
0153-42C Greenlee Communications BIT SET ASSORTED W/HOLDER 4PC Contains Lead non-compliant
32525 Klein Tools BIT SET ASSORTED W/HOLDER 32 PC Contains Lead non-compliant
26590 Wiha NUT DRIVER SET HEX SOCKET 8PC Contains Lead non-compliant
32581 Klein Tools SCREWDR SET PHIL SLOT W/HNDL 4PC Contains Lead non-compliant
54092 Wiha HEX KEY SET W/STAND 8PC Contains Lead non-compliant
38007 Wiha BIT SET PHIL/SLOT W/HOLDER 7PC Contains Lead non-compliant
XP700 Apex Tool Group SCREWDRIVER SET W/CASE 7PC Contains Lead compliant
CHKLASAE13 Apex Tool Group HEX L-KEY SET SAE 13PC Contains Lead non-compliant
9041860000 Weidmuller BIT SET RED-L Lead Free compliant
35195 Wiha HEX KEY SET 7PC Contains Lead non-compliant
70579 Klein Tools HEX KEY SET 5 PC Contains Lead non-compliant
28396 Wiha STUBBY HOLDER BLADE SET ASST W/C Contains Lead non-compliant
SDS44 Apex Tool Group SCREWDRIVER SET SLOT W/POUCH 5PC Lead Free compliant
70575 Klein Tools HEX KEY SET HEX 1 PC Contains Lead non-compliant
99PS40N Apex Tool Group BLADE SET HEX W/CASE 11PC Lead Free compliant
9041880000 Weidmuller BIT-BOX2-UH-RED-L Lead Free compliant
0254-11 Greenlee Communications HEX KEY SET 9PC Contains Lead non-compliant
46794 Wiha SCREWDRIVER SET HEX 6PC Contains Lead non-compliant
35295 Wiha HEX KEY SET W/HOLDER 13PC Contains Lead non-compliant
71055 Wiha BIT SET SLOTTED 3PC Contains Lead non-compliant
38006 Wiha BIT SET ASSORTED W/HOLDER 6PC Contains Lead non-compliant
70493 Wiha NUT DRIVER SET HEX SOCKET 3PC Contains Lead non-compliant
36996 Wiha HEX KEY SET 7PC Contains Lead non-compliant
77793 Wiha NUT/SCRWDR SET ASSORTD RAIL 41PC Contains Lead non-compliant
37092 Wiha TORX KEY SET W/STAND 7PC Contains Lead non-compliant
FSD1V Apex Tool Group BLADE SET PHIL/SLOT W/HANDLE 3PC Contains Lead non-compliant
74150 Wiha BIT SET PHILLIPS 3PC Contains Lead non-compliant
65064 Klein Tools NUT DRVR SET HEX SCKT W/HNDL 2PC Contains Lead non-compliant
29234 Wiha BLADE SET TORX W/HANDLE 2PCS Contains Lead non-compliant
56660G Apex Tool Group 8PC BALL PT T THRU HNDL MET Contains Lead non-compliant
70572 Klein Tools HEX KEY SET HEX 1 PC Contains Lead non-compliant
71921 Wiha BIT SET TORX 10PC 1=10 PK Contains Lead non-compliant
74999 Wiha BIT SET HEX W/BELT PACK 10PC Contains Lead non-compliant
80055 Apex Tool Group SET SCRDR DUAL MAT MINI 6PC Contains Lead non-compliant
37011 Wiha TORX KEY FLAG HANDLE T15 3.15" Contains Lead non-compliant
32476-12 Klein Tools NUT SCREWDR SET ASSRT W/HNDL 12 Contains Lead non-compliant
75990 Wiha BIT SET ASSORTED W/POUCH 40PC Contains Lead non-compliant
33484 Wiha HEX KEY SET W/STAND 8PC Contains Lead non-compliant
SDD4 Apex Tool Group SCREWDRIVER SET PHIL/SLOT 4PC Contains Lead compliant
32477-12 Klein Tools BIT SET ASSORTED W/HANDLE 12 PC Contains Lead non-compliant
28296 Wiha BIT SET ASSORTED W/HOLDER 12PC Contains Lead non-compliant
77798 Wiha ULTRA DRIVER 26INONE MULTI TOOL Contains Lead non-compliant
80065 Apex Tool Group 4 PCE SQ DUAL MATERIAL SCREWDRIV Contains Lead non-compliant
Total 1104 items
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